
Application Role Integration Controller

Roles help to define the company's privileges dedicated to a specific position. Thanks to the role you can assign e.g. rights related to browsing invoices to the employees of the accounting department. The user will receive a registration message to his mailbox, after the registration is completed his account will automatically be assigned to the role.
read more about creating and editing roles here

Table of contents


Identifier of Client

GET client roles

In order to get information about client role use GET /api/v1/catalog/integrations/auth-required/operators using specific ID of Client. The diagram below shows the dependence of communicating with the API:
Image without caption
Use the parameter in query below to get information about role for specified Client:
  • clientId
curl -X GET "https://api-preprod.one.unity.pl/api/v1/authserver/integrations/auth-required/roles?clientId=org%3A838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive information about roles
Example response:
[ { "id": "f0b77cba-e37c-4cd3-b257-47c4ba47e07b", "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "name": "Majster", "authorities": [ "APP_ADD_TO_AUTHORIZATION_CART", "APP_DELIVERY_PICKUP", "APP_VIEW_INVOICES", "APP_VIEW_ORDERS" ] }, { "id": "50870c42-c3a1-4f05-bb2d-ed1330e0cde0", "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "name": "KsiΔ™gowoΕ›Δ‡", "authorities": [ "APP_VIEW_ORDERS", "APP_VIEW_INVOICES" ] }, { "id": "8c1a260e-c6ef-4f04-90f6-f2bf6ec520d1", "clientId": null, "name": "Administrator", "authorities": [ "APP_VIEW_USERS", "APP_VIEW_ROLES", "APP_VIEW_ORDERS", "APP_VIEW_INVOICES", "APP_ADD_ORDERS", "APP_DELIVERY_PICKUP", "APP_AUTHORIZATION_CART", "APP_ADD_TO_AUTHORIZATION_CART" ] } ]