Here we have the option to add a product to the cart on Backoffice

Table of contents


identifier of cart
identifier of product
quantity β†’ type value
possible to choose "CONTENT_QUANTITY" or "ORDER_QUANTITY”. Content quantity is the quantity of the product, while order quantity adds the quantity with the sales unit amount of products
Multiple configurable products can be added at once to speed up communication.
configurableProducts β†’ children allowQuantityChange allowQuantitySplitting productId removable externalId
Children lines are shown below parent line. It can by an empty list. If set to false quantity editing is blocked for this line. True by default. Set to false will prevent this line from being split to different shipments. For example if splitting by availability either whole line will end up 'available products' shipment, or whole line will end up in 'not available products' shipment, without possibility of it ending up partially in both. True by default Id (sku) of product in this line If set to false, this line won't be removable from cart. This is safe to set for children to prevent changing composition of the group of products - if main line is removed children are removed along with it anyway. True by default externalId will allow updating this product using it. Currently it is ignored.
children β†’ quantity type
Possible to choose: "CONTENT_QUANTITY" "ORDER_QUANTITY”. For example - CONTENT_QUANTITY is a pack of nails, ORDER_QUANTITY is single nail
children β†’ main allowQuantityChange allowQuantitySplitting productId removable
If set to false quantity editing is blocked for this line. True by default. Set to false will prevent this line from being split to different shipments. For example if splitting by availability either whole line will end up 'available products' shipment, or whole line will end up in 'not available products' shipment, without possibility of it ending up partially in both. True by default Id (sku) of product in this line If set to false, this line won't be removable from cart. This is safe to set for children to prevent changing composition of the group of products - if main line is removed children are removed along with it anyway. True by default
Id of backoffice operator on behalf who the products are added.
prices β†’ property name (additional property)
property name (additional property) β†’ purchasePrice value
number of value
property name (additional property) β†’ salePrice value
number of value
property name (additional property) β†’ change field value

PUT - add configurable product to cart

In order to add configurable product to cart use PUT /api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/{cartId}/add-configurable-products using cart identifier.The sequence diagram below shows the process:
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Use the parameter in query below to add configurable product to cart:
  • cartId
Example request:
curl -X PUT "https://api-preprod.one.unity.pl/api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/c2c25ae9-dbcf-43bb-9626-ee1f5ae174ea/add-configurable-products" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}" -d " { "configurableProducts": [ { "children": [ { "allowQuantityChange": true, "allowQuantitySplitting": true, "productId": "8", -- required "quantity": { -- required "type": "CONTENT_QUANTITY", -- required "value": 4 -- required }, "removable": false }, { "allowQuantityChange": true, "allowQuantitySplitting": true, "productId": "7", "quantity": { "type": "CONTENT_QUANTITY", "value": 4 }, "removable": false } ], "externalId": "123123", "main": { -- required "allowQuantityChange": true, "allowQuantitySplitting": true, "productId": "9", -- required "quantity": { -- required "type": "CONTENT_QUANTITY", -- required "value": 2 -- required }, "removable": false } } ], "operatorId": "a11efeb9-4e8b-4430-aca0-e361f5c63e43" }

PUT - add product to cart

In order to add product to cart use PUT /api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/{cartId}/add-product using cart identifier.The sequence diagram below shows the process:
Image without caption
Use the parameter in query below to add product to cart:
  • cartId
Example request:
curl -X PUT "https://https://api-preprod.one.unity.pl/api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/26473d08-8f42-4e23-97c6-ec5675401a87/add-product" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}" -d " { "productId": "product_2607", -- required "quantity": { "type": "CONTENT_QUANTITY", -- required "value": 10 -- required } }

POST - change product lines prices

In order to change product lines prices use POST /api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/{cartId}/products/change-price. The diagram below shows the dependency of communicating with the API:
Image without caption
Example request:
curl -X POST "https://api-preprod.one.unity.pl/api/v1/orderpath/integrations/auth-required/carts/4175c9a2-7e4a-4e57-b1ba-c559bdf88e44/products/change-price" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d " { "prices": { -- required "63e70763-4e6d-40b3-bb7a-ae0e71be33e6": { -- additional property "purchasePrice": 80, -- required if use additional property "salePrice": 200, -- required if use additional property "change": { "field": "FIXED_DISCOUNT", -- required if use change "value": 50 -- required if use change } } }, "operatorId": "a11efeb9-4e8b-4430-aca0-e361f5c63e43" }

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