Offline orders are orders that have been placed via an external system (eg ERP). On the ONe platform, they are displayed purely for information purposes, without the possibility of editing or further processing.
Offline orders that have been submitted can be viewed on the backoffice (sales -> orders -> offline orders)

Table of contents


authorizedPeople : email name phone userId
Contact person details: Email of contact person name of contact person phone of contact person identifier of contact person
required, shipment identifier number. When shipment with the same id already exists, it will be replaced
the notes are from the buyer and the seller is displayed
required, order identifier number
organization: externalId id
required, details of the organization placing the order: external identifier from the external system (e.e.g. ERP) required, identifier from the internal system (ONe platform)
price: deliveryNet deliveryGross productsNet productsGross additionalCosts: - type - net - tax - gross totalGross totalNet totalTax
required, price details required, delivery net price delivery gross price required, net price of products gross price of products additional costs details (if any) required only if additional costs exist required only if additional costs exist. Net price of additional cost required only if additional costs exist. Tax value of additional cost required only if additional costs exist. Gross price of additional cost required, total gross price required, total net price required, total tax value
paymentMethod: name id externalId
required, payment details: required, name of payment (how the order will be paid) identifier from the internal system (ONe platform) external identifier from the external system (e.e.g. ERP)
productLines: contentUnitCode lastChange contentUnitName lineNumber manufacturerIndex manufacturerName name notes quantityOrdered quantityOrderedInContentUnit quantityShipped sku price : catalogPriceDiscount grossValue netCatalogPrice netCatalogUnitPrice netUnitPrice netValue taxValue additionalCosts: type contentUnitNet contentUnitTax contentUnitGross totalNet totalTax totalGross
product lines details: unit in which the product appears date of last change - Date in UTC timezone. e.g. 2022-05-18T20:50:30Z required, name of product required, line number manufacturer index manufacturer name required, name of product product note required, quantity ordered by the customer the unit in which the product was ordered quantity shipped to Client required, product’s sku required, price details: discount from catalog price required, gross value of products (final net price of product multiplied by quantity ordered product) net list price net list price per unit required, required, net value of products (final net price of product multiplied by quantity ordered product) required, value of tax additional costs details (if any) required only if additional costs exist. Type of additional costs required only if additional costs exist. Net price per unit required only if additional costs exist. tax value per unit required only if additional costs exist. Gross price per unit required only if additional costs exist. Total net price required only if additional costs exist. Total tax value required only if additional costs exist. Total gross price
status of the order (e.g. “in packing”)
identifier warehouse from which the products are downloaded to the order
user: email id name phone
required, user details: email of user Identifier of user, must be written in the form of a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) code name of user phone of user
waybills: number url
waybills details: shipment number url of waybills (link to the carrier's website with the number of the shipment note entered)

PUT - submit shipment of offline order. When shipment with the same id already exists, it will be replaced

in the offline order endpoint, we have the option to create or edit it. It is possible to display an offline order via the backoffice of the ONe platform (sales -> orders -> offline orders)
Now let's see what the process looks like when we sent offline order using an external system. The sequence diagram below shows the process:
Image without caption
Use PUT /api/v1/account/integrations/auth-required/offline-order/shipment to send offline order. Then you need in request put in body the following required data:
  • orderDate
  • deliveryMethod
  • id
  • orderId
  • organization
  • price
  • paymentMethod
  • productLines
  • user
Example response
curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ { "authorizedPeople": [ { "email": "", "name": "Mateusz", "phone": "1111111", "userId": "9f54fc92-a0f5-406c-87e4-88ccf0311ba6" } ], "lastChange": "2022-05-18T20:50:30Z", "orderDate": "2022-05-18", "deliveryMethod": { "address": { "city": "Wrocław", "country": "Polska", "name": "Company", "phone": "1111111111", "street": "Międzyleska", "type": "SYSTEM", "zipCode": "55-555" }, "deliveryDateConfirmed": "2022-05-20", "deliveryDateRequired": "2022-05-20", "cost": { "net": 10, "tax": 2.3, "gross": 12.30 }, "externalId": "COURIER", "id": null, "name": "Courier", "pickupPointId": null, "type": "COURIER" }, "id": "org:88c5631b-552b-4c79-9804-dfc57a1952e0", "notes": "przykładowa notatka", "orderId": "2222", "organization": { "externalId": "3141", "id": "org:88c5631b-552b-4c79-9804-dfc57a1952e0" }, "price": { "deliveryNet": 10, "deliveryGross": 12.3, "productsNet": 600, "productsGross": 738, "additionalCosts": [ { "type": "weee_surcharge", "net": 10, "tax": 2.3, "gross": 12.3 } ], "totalGross": 750.3, "totalNet": 610, "totalTax": 140.3 }, "paymentMethod": { "name": "Prepaid", "id": "21bcf46a-d6a3-11ec-9d64-0242ac120002", "externalId": "PREPAID" }, "productLines": [ { "contentUnitCode": "szt", "lastChange": "2022-05-18T20:50:30Z", "contentUnitName": "Żarówka MASTER LEDspot LV 20-100W 827 AR111 24D A 2700 K", "lineNumber": "1", "manufacturerIndex": "929001170802", "manufacturerName": "Żarówka MASTER LEDspot", "name": "Żarówka MASTER LEDspot LV 20-100W 827 AR111 24D A 2700 K", "notes": "Notatka do produktu", "price": { "catalogPriceDiscount": 10, "grossValue": 100, "netCatalogPrice": 544, "netCatalogUnitPrice": 23, "netUnitPrice": 11, "netValue": 55, "taxValue": 77, "additionalCosts": [ { "type": "weee_surcharge", "contentUnitNet": 10, "contentUnitTax": 2.3, "contentUnitGross": 12.3, "totalNet": 700, "totalTax": 80, "totalGross": 780 } ] }, "quantityOrdered": 5, "quantityOrderedInContentUnit": 2, "quantityShipped": 5, "sku": "SIGNY_51504400" }, { "contentUnitCode": "szt", "lastChange": "2022-05-18T20:50:30Z", "contentUnitName": "contentUnitName", "lineNumber": "3", "manufacturerIndex": "manufacturerIndex", "manufacturerName": "manufacturerName", "name": "name", "notes": "notes", "price": { "catalogPriceDiscount": 66, "grossValue": 77, "netCatalogPrice": 99, "netCatalogUnitPrice": 11, "netUnitPrice": 54, "netValue": 524, "taxValue": 52, "additionalCosts": [ { "type": "dodatkowy", "contentUnitNet": 42, "contentUnitTax": 33, "contentUnitGross": 452, "totalNet": 1221, "totalTax": 23, "totalGross": 357 } ] }, "quantityOrdered": 10, "quantityOrderedInContentUnit": 8, "quantityShipped": 3, "sku": "SIGNY_51502000" } ], "status": "pakowanie", "supplyWarehouseId": "WRO", "user": { "email": "", "id": "9f54fc92-a0f5-406c-87e4-88ccf0311ba6", "name": "Mati", "phone": "111111111" }, "waybills": [ { "number": "662030078254043015906536", "url": "" } ] }"

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