The fiscal receipt is a document confirming the purchase and contains, among other things, the seller's details, information about the price of the product and the input tax on goods and services (VAT)

Table of contents


number, Gross value, determines whether the fiscal recipts has been fully paid
fiscal recipts notes
clientData: clientId tin clientType phone invoiceEmail
Buyer's data: Identifier number of buyer Type of buyer ("INDIVIDUAL" "ORGANIZATION”)
clientData addressData city country name postalCode street
Address of buyer
payerData: clientId tin phone
payer data: Identifier number of payer
payerDataaddressData city country name postalCode street
address of payer
tenantData: tin
seller details:
tenantData addressData city country name postalCode street
address of seller
operatorData id name
operator assigned to the customer (this information is not displayed on the fiscal recipts) <uuid> for example - 00e9e304-e5df-450a-a861-0211c471096b
fiscal recipts number
receipt number to which the fiscal recipts relates
whether the fiscal recipts has been paid (true or false)
the customer order number to which the fiscal recipts relates
totalPrices: netPrice grossPrice taxValue
number number number
payment deadline
sale date
possible to choose: "AED" "AFN" "ALL" "AMD" "ANG" "AOA" "ARS" "AUD" "AWG" "AZN" "BAM" "BBD" "BDT" "BGN" "BHD" "BIF" "BMD" "BND" "BOB" "BOV" "BRL" "BSD" "BTN" "BWP" "BYR" "BZD" "CAD" "CDF" "CHF" "CLF" "CLP" "CNY" "COP" "CRC" "CUC" "CUP" "CVE" "CZK" "DJF" "DKK" "DOP" "DZD" "EGP" "ERN" "ETB" "EUR" "FJD" "FKP" "GBP" "GEL" "GHS" "GIP" "GMD" "GNF" "GTQ" "GYD" "HKD" "HNL" "HRK" "HTG" "HUF" "IDR" "ILS" "INR" "IQD" "IRR" "ISK" "JMD" "JOD" "JPY" "KES" "KGS" "KHR" "KMF" "KPW" "KRW" "KWD" "KYD" "KZT" "LAK" "LBP" "LKR" "LRD" "LSL" "LYD" "MAD" "MDL" "MGA" "MKD" "MMK" "MNT" "MOP" "MRO" "MUR" "MVR" "MWK" "MXN" "MXV" "MYR" "MZN" "NAD" "NGN" "NIO" "NOK" "NPR" "NZD" "OMR" "PAB" "PEN" "PGK" "PHP" "PKR" "PLN" "PYG" "QAR" "RON" "RSD" "RUB" "RWF" "SAR" "SBD" "SCR" "SDG" "SEK" "SGD" "SHP" "SLL" "SOS" "SRD" "SSP" "STD" "SYP" "SZL" "THB" "TJS" "TMT" "TND" "TOP" "TRY" "TTD" "TWD" "TZS" "UAH" "UGX" "USD" "USN" "USS" "UYU" "UZS" "VEF" "VND" "VUV" "WST" "XAF" "XAG" "XAU" "XBA" "XBB" "XBC" "XBD" "XCD" "XDR" "XFU" "XOF" "XPD" "XPF" "XPT" "XSU" "XTS" "XUA" "XXX" "YER" "ZAR" "ZMW”
Bank account number
itemslinePrices: netPrice grossPrice taxValue
Information on payments for a particular product line on the fiscal recipts: number number number
itemstaxRate: name value
Tax information: Ex. 5%, NP etc. number, Tax rate in percentage value without symbol, ex. 5 instead of 5%. It could be also a floating point value
itemsitemPrices: netPrice grossPrice taxValue
Information about price for products number number number
itemsadditionalCosts type
Information about additional costs for products type of additional costs
additionalCosts itemPrices: netPrice grossPrice taxValue
Information about additional costs for products
additionalCostslinePrices: netPrice grossPrice taxValue
information on additional costs for product lines
paymentMethodData id name
payment method information Identifier number of payment name of information method

POST - add fiscal receipt

In order to add fiscal receipt to ONe platform use POST /api/v1/invoices/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipt-corrections. The diagram below shows the dependency of communicating with the API:
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Example request:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "amountPaid": 5555, "createDateTime": "2022-12-24T20:00:00Z", "notes": [ "example notes" ], "clientData": { -- required "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "tin": "PL8943138124", "clientType": "ORGANIZATION", -- required "addressData": { -- required "city": "Międzyleska", -- required "country": "Poslka", -- required "name": "One Company", -- required "postalCode": "55-555", -- required "street": "Wrocław" -- required }, "phone": "11111111", "invoiceEmail": "" }, "payerData": { "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "addressData": { "city": "Międzyleska", "country": "Polska", "name": "One Company", "postalCode": "55-555", "street": "Wrocław" }, "tin": "PL8943138124", "phone": "11111111111" }, "tenantData": { -- required "addressData": { -- required "city": "Międzyleska", -- required "country": "Poslka", -- required "name": "One Company", -- required "postalCode": "55-555", -- required "street": "Wrocław" -- required }, "tin": "11111" -- required }, "operatorData": { "id": "a11efeb9-4e8b-4430-aca0-e361f5c63e43", "name": "Mateusz" }, "number": "121/12/2022", -- required "receiptPrintoutNumber": "123/12/20222", "isPaid": true, "customerPurchaseNumbers": [ -- required "ON/0/12/2022" ], "documentDate": "2022-12-24", -- required "totalPrices": { -- required "netPrice": 100, -- required "grossPrice": 123, -- required "taxValue": 23 -- required }, "paymentDate": "2022-12-24", -- required "saleDate": "2022-12-24", -- required "currencyCode": "PLN", -- required "bankAccountNumber": "12313123123", "items": [ -- required { "lineNumber": 1, -- required "splitPayment": true, "type": "PRODUCT", -- required "itemName": "Programowany, bezprzewodowy regulator temperatury", -- required "gtin": "534634523522", "sku": "091FLRFV2", -- required "series": "SALUS", "manufacturer": "SALUS LIMITED", "notes": [ -- required "example note" ], "linePrices": { -- required "netPrice": 550, -- required "grossPrice": 30, -- required "taxValue": 20 -- required }, "pkwiu": "", "taxRate": { -- required "name": "Tax", "value": 0.23 }, "itemPrices": { -- required "netPrice": 990, -- required "grossPrice": 90, -- required "taxValue": 50 -- required }, "discount": 10, "itemBasePrices": { "netPrice": 5, "grossPrice": 15, "taxValue": 5 }, "additionalCosts": [ -- required { "type": "KGO", -- required "itemPrices": { -- required "netPrice": 8, -- required "grossPrice": 9, -- required "taxValue": 1 -- required }, "linePrices": { -- required "netPrice": 40, -- required "grossPrice": 80, -- required "taxValue": 0.23 -- required } } ], "quantity": 5, -- required "unit": "szt.", -- required "orderReferenceNumber": " ON/0/12/2022", "orderReferenceLineNumber": 1, "goodsIssuedNoteNumber": "71/06/2022", "goodsIssuedNoteLineNumber": 1 } ], "paymentMethodData": { -- required "id": "0091900e-3e87-4eef-8df7-e6edbedb80ce", -- required "name": "Gotówka przy odbiorze" -- required } }"

DELETE single fiscal receipt

In order to delete fiscal receipt in ONe platform use Delete /api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipts using specific number of fiscal receipts. The sequence diagram below shows the dependency of communicating with the API:
Image without caption
Use the parameter below to finalize file uploading:
  • number
Example request:
curl -X DELETE "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"

POST - Initialise file uploading for fiscal receipt

On the ONe platform, it is possible to send a document in the form of a PDF file to a specific fiscal receiot. Use POST /api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipts/file-upload-begin to receive parameters on the basis of which it will be possible to add a document to our server.
To add the document to our server, use an external tool. For example Talend Api Tester. At the end of the description, we will show an example of this tool how to add a file to our server.
The sequence diagram below shows the dependency of communicating with the API:
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Use the parameter to initialise file uploading for a specific document:
  • fileExtension
  • number
Example request:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive information needed to add documents to our server
  • uploadUrl
  • uploadId
Example request:
"uploadId": "bbb48e1d-5db4-4b21-b419-2cdece72bc52", "uploadUrl": "https://{link}" }
When we get uploadUrland uploadId we can use tool to add documents to our server. Below we present how to do it using an Talend API Tester. 1 - method - PUT 2 - in headers - content-Type and choose application/pdf 3 - paste the link received in resonse to the request 4 - add file 5- press send
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The document has been added to the server.

POST - Complete file uploading for fiscal receipt

This endpoint is used to complete the process of adding a document to our server. Use this endpoint after physically adding documents to the server - POST /api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipts/file-upload-complete. The sequence diagram below shows the dependency of communicating with the API:
Image without caption
Use the parameter below to finalize file uploading:
  • uploadId
Example request:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"

GET single fiscal receipt

There is possible to get specific fiscal receipt. Use GET/api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receiptd/single using specific number. The diagram below shows the dependence of communicating with the API:
Image without caption
Use the parameter in query below to get information about specific fiscal receipt:
  • number
Example request:
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive information about fiscal receipt:
Example response:
{ "clientData": { "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "clientType": "ORGANIZATION", "addressData": { "city": "Międzyleska", "country": "Poslka", "name": "One Company", "postalCode": "55-555", "street": "Wrocław" }, "tin": "PL8943138124", "phone": "11111111", "invoiceEmail": "" }, "payerData": { "clientId": "org:838bed9a-8063-4e4c-93c3-f74b59fcaa5a", "addressData": { "city": "Międzyleska", "country": "Polska", "name": "One Company", "postalCode": "55-555", "street": "Wrocław" }, "tin": "PL8943138124", "phone": "11111111111" }, "tenantData": { "addressData": { "city": "Międzyleska", "country": "Poslka", "name": "One Company", "postalCode": "55-555", "street": "Wrocław" }, "tin": "11111" }, "operatorData": { "id": "a11efeb9-4e8b-4430-aca0-e361f5c63e43", "name": "Mateusz" }, "fileData": { "url": "", "extension": "pdf" }, "number": "121/12/2022", "receiptPrintoutNumber": "123/12/20222", "amountPaid": 5555, "isPaid": true, "customerPurchaseNumbers": [ "ON/0/12/2022" ], "documentDate": "2022-12-24", "totalPrices": { "netPrice": 100, "grossPrice": 123, "taxValue": 23 }, "paymentDate": "2022-12-24", "saleDate": "2022-12-24", "currencyCode": "PLN", "bankAccountNumber": "12313123123", "notes": [ "example notes" ], "items": [ { "lineNumber": 1, "type": "PRODUCT", "itemName": "Programowany, bezprzewodowy regulator temperatury", "gtin": "534634523522", "sku": "091FLRFV2", "series": "SALUS", "manufacturer": "SALUS LIMITED", "notes": [ "example note" ], "linePrices": { "netPrice": 550, "grossPrice": 30, "taxValue": 20 }, "pkwiu": "", "taxRate": { "value": 0.23, "name": "Tax" }, "itemPrices": { "netPrice": 990, "grossPrice": 90, "taxValue": 50 }, "discount": 10, "itemBasePrices": { "netPrice": 5, "grossPrice": 15, "taxValue": 5 }, "additionalCosts": [ { "type": "KGO", "itemPrices": { "netPrice": 8, "grossPrice": 9, "taxValue": 1 }, "linePrices": { "netPrice": 40, "grossPrice": 80, "taxValue": 0.23 } } ], "quantity": 5, "unit": "szt.", "orderReferenceNumber": " ON/0/12/2022", "orderReferenceLineNumber": 1, "goodsIssuedNoteNumber": "71/06/2022", "goodsIssuedNoteLineNumber": 1 } ], "paymentMethodData": { "id": "0091900e-3e87-4eef-8df7-e6edbedb80ce", "name": "Gotówka przy odbiorze" }, "fiscalReceiptCorrectionReferenceNumbers": [], "orderReferenceNumbers": [ " ON/0/12/2022" ], "goodsIssuedNoteReferenceNumbers": [ "71/06/2022" ], "goodsReceivedNoteReferenceNumbers": [] }

GET fiscal receipt status (amount paid and if it's fully paid)

In order to get status of fiscal receipt in ONe platform use GET/api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipts/status. The sequence diagram below shows the process:
Image without caption
Use the parameter in query below to get goods issued note events:
  • number
Example request:
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive information about amount paid and it’s fully paid
Example response:
{ "amountPaid": 5555, "isPaid": true }

PUT - set fiscal receipt status (amount paid and if it's fully paid)

In order to set status of fiscal receipt in ONe platform use PUT/api/v1/invoces/integrations/auth-required/fiscal-receipts/status. It is possible to enter the value paid for the fiscal receipt and information whether the fiscal receipt has been paid. The sequence diagram below shows the process:
Image without caption
Use the parameter in query below to set fiscal receipt status:
  • number
Example request:
curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"