In this section, we have the option of filtering products according to various criteria. The product search mechanism is exactly the same as the one on the ONe platform
Table of contents
Table of contentsGlossaryGET - search products using search criteria and paging (/search/items is alias for search-result)GET - search filters for current search (categories and attributes)GET - search products using search criteria and paging (/search/items is alias for search-result)
Name | Explanation |
category | Category Id in which should be searching product |
filtersQuery | Search attributes in form AttributeId:AttributeValueId ( nameCode :valueCode ) |
pageNumber | Page number. Default: set: 1 |
pageSize | Number of products in response (must be between 0 and 100). Default: 10 |
q | User query. For example, it could be part of a name, product code or manufacturer |
price | . Filter products by price(net/gross) ( type :min-max ) |
GET - search products using search criteria and paging (/search/items
is alias for search-result
In order to search products using search criteria and paging use GET
. The diagram below shows the dependence of communicating with the API:Example request:
jsoncurl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive selected information about product
Example response:
json{ "items": [ { "id": "idnowegoproduktu", "productOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "createdBy": null, "name": "LATARKA IMPACT LED 2AA", "manufacturerIndex": "E300668300", "catalogIndex": "7638900326291", "productSeries": null, "multivalueAttributes": [ { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF000010", "name": "Model", "values": [ { "value": "Patrolowa" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF006387", "name": "Rodzaj baterii", "values": [ { "value": "Mignon R6" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF001355", "name": "ANSI", "values": [ { "value": "AA" } ] }, { "valueType": "NUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF009056", "name": "Liczba baterii", "values": [ { "value": 2 } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF009172", "name": "Baterie w komplecie", "values": [ { "value": "true" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF002423", "name": "Źródło światła", "values": [ { "value": "LED, niewymienne" } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF005905", "name": "Zawiera źródło światła", "values": [ { "value": "true" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF000136", "name": "Kolor obudowy", "values": [ { "value": "Wielobarwny" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF002169", "name": "Materiał", "values": [ { "value": "Tworzywo sztuczne" } ] }, { "valueType": "NUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF001438", "name": "Długość", "values": [ { "value": 191, "unitCode": "EU570448", "unit": "mm", "unitDescription": "mm" } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF001302", "name": "Akumulatorowe", "values": [ { "value": "false" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF005474", "name": "Stopień ochrony (IP)", "values": [ { "value": "Inne" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF012487", "name": "Klasa efektywności energetycznej zamontowanego źródła światła", "values": [ { "value": "A++, A+, A (LED)" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "Select 01.02.2022", "name": "Select 01.02.2022", "values": [ { "value": "Działa" } ] } ], "characteristics": [], "productDataSheets": [ { "url": "", "fileName": "ENR_E300668300_Impact_Rubber_2AA_Sales_Aid_RBR212_EMEA.pdf", "order": 0, "alt": null } ], "certificates": [], "canonicalCategory": "kategoria2", "categoryPath": [ "kategoria2" ], "fullDescription": "sfhadshadh", "shortDescription": "", "usage": "", "manufacturer": { "id": "", "name": "ENERGIZER TRADING LTD.", "logoImage": "smutna buzia.png", "acronym": "" }, "brand": { "id": "energizer", "name": "Energizer", "description": "" }, "measurementUnits": { "orderUnitCode": "C62", "orderUnitDescription": "szt.", "contentUnitCode": "C62", "contentUnitDescription": "szt.", "packingQuantity": 1, "priceQuantity": 1, "quantityMin": 4, "quantityInterval": 4 }, "netDimension": { "netWeight": 0.1, "netLength": 0.25, "netWidth": 0.1, "netDepth": 0.05 }, "labels": [ "tile_calculator", "API_Gateway", "Block", "Ecommerce", "Hot", "Public", "Sale" ], "relatedProducts": [ { "relationType": "ACCESSORIES", "relationName": "accessories", "products": [] }, { "relationType": "SIMILAR", "relationName": "similar", "products": [] }, { "relationType": "OTHERS", "relationName": "others", "products": [] } ], "slug": "idnowegoproduktu", "photos": [], "photosWithVariants": [], "seo": { "title": null, "description": null, "h1": null, "follow": false, "index": false }, "relationsByAttribute": [], "shippingTime": "", "surchargePriceAmount": 0.03, "cannotOrderAboveStock": true, "url": "/latarka-impact-led-2aa-id-idnowegoproduktu", "categories": [ { "id": "kategoria2", "name": "kategoria2" } ], "videos": [], "pkwiu": "", "alternativeId": null, "status": "ACTIVE", "pluginsData": {} } ], "totalItems": 1, "pageNumber": 1, "totalPages": 1, "pageSize": 100, "nextPage": null, "sortingOptions": [ { "code": "SCORE_DESC", "label": "Trafność", "selected": true }, { "code": "RANK_DESC", "label": "Popularność", "selected": false }, { "code": "NAME_ASC", "label": "od A do Z", "selected": false }, { "code": "NAME_DESC", "label": "od Z do A", "selected": false }, { "code": "MANUFACTURER_ASC", "label": "Producent (A - Z)", "selected": false }, { "code": "MANUFACTURER_DESC", "label": "Producent (Z - A)", "selected": false }, { "code": "STOCK_ASC", "label": "dostępność od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "STOCK_DESC", "label": "dostępność od najwyższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "NET_PRICE_ASC", "label": "Cena: od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "NET_PRICE_DESC", "label": "Cena: od najwyższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "GROSS_PRICE_ASC", "label": "Cena: od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "GROSS_PRICE_DESC", "label": "Cena: od najwyższej", "selected": false } ], "categorySelected": true }
GET - search filters for current search (categories and attributes)
In order to search filters for current search (categories and attributes) use GET
. The diagram below shows the dependence of communicating with the API:Example request:
jsoncurl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive selected information about product
Example response:
json{ "id": "product4111", "productOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "createdBy": null, "manufacturer": { "name": "manufactura", "acronym": "manu", "id": "manu123" }, "measurementUnits": { "orderUnitCode": "pack123", "orderUnitDescription": "pack", "contentUnitCode": "pack", "contentUnitDescription": "pack", "packingQuantity": 2, "quantityMin": 2, "quantityInterval": 2 }, "name": "test name", "manufacturerIndex": "manu123", "fullDescription": "test description", "shortDescription": "test short", "usage": "test usage", "brand": { "id": "testbranname", "name": "test bran name", "description": "test brand" }, "gtin": "5901234560009", "productSeries": "test series", "netDimensions": { "netVolume": 2, "netWeight": 2, "netLength": 2, "netWidth": 2, "netDepth": 2, "netDiameter": 2 }, "surchargePriceAmount": 23, "shippingTime": "24H", "status": "ACTIVE", "splitPayment": true, "cableType": "DRUM_CABLE", "gtu": "5901234560009" }
GET - search products using search criteria and paging (/search/items
is alias for search-result
In order to search products using search criteria and paging GET
. The diagram below shows the dependence of communicating with the API:Example request:
jsoncurl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "one-tenant: {tenant}" -H "ApiAuth: {apiKey}"
In response you will receive selected information about product
Example response:
json{ "items": [ { "id": "idnowegoproduktu", "productOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "createdBy": null, "name": "LATARKA IMPACT LED 2AA", "manufacturerIndex": "E300668300", "catalogIndex": "7638900326291", "productSeries": null, "multivalueAttributes": [ { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF000010", "name": "Model", "values": [ { "value": "Patrolowa" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF006387", "name": "Rodzaj baterii", "values": [ { "value": "Mignon R6" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF001355", "name": "ANSI", "values": [ { "value": "AA" } ] }, { "valueType": "NUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF009056", "name": "Liczba baterii", "values": [ { "value": 2 } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF009172", "name": "Baterie w komplecie", "values": [ { "value": "true" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF002423", "name": "Źródło światła", "values": [ { "value": "LED, niewymienne" } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF005905", "name": "Zawiera źródło światła", "values": [ { "value": "true" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF000136", "name": "Kolor obudowy", "values": [ { "value": "Wielobarwny" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF002169", "name": "Materiał", "values": [ { "value": "Tworzywo sztuczne" } ] }, { "valueType": "NUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF001438", "name": "Długość", "values": [ { "value": 191, "unitCode": "EU570448", "unit": "mm", "unitDescription": "mm" } ] }, { "valueType": "LOGIC", "nameCode": "EF001302", "name": "Akumulatorowe", "values": [ { "value": "false" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF005474", "name": "Stopień ochrony (IP)", "values": [ { "value": "Inne" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "EF012487", "name": "Klasa efektywności energetycznej zamontowanego źródła światła", "values": [ { "value": "A++, A+, A (LED)" } ] }, { "valueType": "ALPHANUMERIC", "nameCode": "Select 01.02.2022", "name": "Select 01.02.2022", "values": [ { "value": "Działa" } ] } ], "characteristics": [], "productDataSheets": [ { "url": "", "fileName": "ENR_E300668300_Impact_Rubber_2AA_Sales_Aid_RBR212_EMEA.pdf", "order": 0, "alt": null } ], "certificates": [], "canonicalCategory": "kategoria2", "categoryPath": [ "kategoria2" ], "fullDescription": "sfhadshadh", "shortDescription": "", "usage": "", "manufacturer": { "id": "", "name": "ENERGIZER TRADING LTD.", "logoImage": "smutna buzia.png", "acronym": "" }, "brand": { "id": "energizer", "name": "Energizer", "description": "" }, "measurementUnits": { "orderUnitCode": "C62", "orderUnitDescription": "szt.", "contentUnitCode": "C62", "contentUnitDescription": "szt.", "packingQuantity": 1, "priceQuantity": 1, "quantityMin": 4, "quantityInterval": 4 }, "netDimension": { "netWeight": 0.1, "netLength": 0.25, "netWidth": 0.1, "netDepth": 0.05 }, "labels": [ "tile_calculator", "API_Gateway", "Block", "Ecommerce", "Hot", "Public", "Sale" ], "relatedProducts": [ { "relationType": "ACCESSORIES", "relationName": "accessories", "products": [] }, { "relationType": "SIMILAR", "relationName": "similar", "products": [] }, { "relationType": "OTHERS", "relationName": "others", "products": [] } ], "slug": "idnowegoproduktu", "photos": [], "photosWithVariants": [], "seo": { "title": null, "description": null, "h1": null, "follow": false, "index": false }, "relationsByAttribute": [], "shippingTime": "", "surchargePriceAmount": 0.03, "cannotOrderAboveStock": true, "url": "/latarka-impact-led-2aa-id-idnowegoproduktu", "categories": [ { "id": "kategoria2", "name": "kategoria2" } ], "videos": [], "pkwiu": "", "alternativeId": null, "status": "ACTIVE", "pluginsData": {} } ], "totalItems": 1, "pageNumber": 1, "totalPages": 1, "pageSize": 100, "nextPage": null, "sortingOptions": [ { "code": "SCORE_DESC", "label": "Trafność", "selected": true }, { "code": "RANK_DESC", "label": "Popularność", "selected": false }, { "code": "NAME_ASC", "label": "od A do Z", "selected": false }, { "code": "NAME_DESC", "label": "od Z do A", "selected": false }, { "code": "MANUFACTURER_ASC", "label": "Producent (A - Z)", "selected": false }, { "code": "MANUFACTURER_DESC", "label": "Producent (Z - A)", "selected": false }, { "code": "STOCK_ASC", "label": "dostępność od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "STOCK_DESC", "label": "dostępność od najwyższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "NET_PRICE_ASC", "label": "Cena: od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "NET_PRICE_DESC", "label": "Cena: od najwyższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "GROSS_PRICE_ASC", "label": "Cena: od najniższej", "selected": false }, { "code": "GROSS_PRICE_DESC", "label": "Cena: od najwyższej", "selected": false } ], "categorySelected": true }